Succession Planning

Succession Planning and Humming Bird Leadership:

HBL (Humming Bird Leadership) believes that Succession Planning is very important to an organization's success and a perfect time for leadership development.

The organization and the designated employees are extremely motivated to succeed.

HBL partners with it's clients to:

  1. Learn the organization and it's goals.

  2. Help select potential high performance leaders.

  3. Develop a succession plan.

  4. Helps coach, advise, teach, and train these key leaders.

  5. Make benchmarks and track each leader's progress.

  6. Help with ongoing assessment and action plans.

  7. Help and coach these high potential leaders and choose new assignments.

  8. Helps update the succession plan on an ongoing basis.

Why is succession planning so important?

  1. People/talent are vital for an organization's success.

  2. To identify the right high potential Leaders and develop their skills to success.

  3. In event of a crisis the organization is prepared.

  4. To invest in leadership training and development increases the loyalty of staff and their retention.

  5. It is the right thing to do and HBL helps produce results.

HBL will invest a day with you at no charge (except out of pocket expenses) to identify your needs and to help you determine the succession planning needs of the organization.

"I had the pleasure of working directly for Max in executive marketing positions at several high-tech firms, including NeXT Computers, the IAC, US West and Fabrik Communications, a start-up that was acquired by Critical Path.

Some of the most tremendous people leadership skills that I possess were taught to me by Max Henry. When I am faced with a challenging situation, I often think about what Max would do. He is blessed with the ability to lead both with his head and with his heart. Max understands how to guide people with caring, and from the point of view that matters most to them, while accomplishing the business mission.

He is one of the best communicators that I know, and always seemed to know what was going on all around the company. As a leader, people have always flocked to him because of his open communications style, his energy level, and upbeat, positive style. If you have the chance to learn from Max, you are learning from one of the best leaders and managers in business today!"

Julie Welch Shenkman
Flying Sparks, Inc.

"It is said that life is a journey and during that journey there are times that you meet people who have a remarkable impact upon you and your surroundings. Max Henry is one of those characters; his awesome interest in people is such that he is just a natural leader who generates loyalty, motivation and energy which ripples beyond the mere contact point to years beyond. His ability to access individuals and their abilities is second to none bringing an amazing insight into succession planning and leadership needs."

Steve Purdham

"My first meeting with Max was unforgettable. I had been recently hired as the European Sales and Marketing Manager at Information Access Company. It was my first trip to San Francisco. I went into Max's office and I was greeted with what I came to realise was his trademark, a warm, friendly, welcoming smile and then the room started to shake, Yes it was an Earthquake!

Max was an inspirational leader, with sincere "hands on" approach. He has an ability to identify and nurture talent in his executives and to imbue them with self belief in their own abilities to succeed. His enthusiasm and energy know no bounds and he imparts this into his teams.

Max demonstrates what it takes to be a good leader and how to build teams of excellence."

Tina George
Sales & Marketing Director
I-NAP Limited


Humming Bird Leadership
499 Castle Street, Geneva, NY, 14456

Web Design by BITS LLC